This is a list of tools, techniques and skill-sets that you should know how to use. Check your notes. Ask questions or see me about something you don’t know how to do.
This is by no means, an absolutely complete list of all tools and techniques you may need to complete the final, though everything on the final will be techniques and objectives that we have explored in class and/or during our projects.
Tools to know how to use…
Move tool
All marquee selection tools
Lasso tool
Magic wand
Quick select tool
Paint brush
Clone stamp
Smudge tool
Blur tool (Gaussian blur)
Dodge and burn tool
You should know how to…
• Make and use a layer mask.
• Copy layers in the layers palette.
• Choose a color
• Resize layers
• Resize objects
• Scale
• Rotate
• Distort
• Skew
• Warp
• Change resolution so all layers are consistent (hint 300dpi)
• Create a new document that has a 300dpi resolution, a document of a certain measurements (ie: 8 x 10).
• Use the liquefy function
Know how to use adjustment layers…
Color adjustment
Brightness and contrast
Color balance
Things to watch out for…
• Lighting consistency when combining images that were not shot at the same time.
• Contrast consistency (look at your lights and darks)
• Color matching (is the environment cool or warm?)
• When you put an object into a background, keep in mind that some references are not the same focus as others.
• Remember your shadow dynamics (how they work)
This class is about learning how to use Photoshop and much of the functionality and tools within it. As every student is an individual, not all students will approach or solve a problem in the same manner. In this way, you get to use your creativity and imagination in a way that is unique to you. Be as creative as you can be. You will always score higher when you find an uncommon combination of tools, techniques and ideas when confronted with a problem.
You have been shown and been given the tools to create with Photoshop. What you do with those tools is up to you.
Good luck!
Mr. Dow
This is by no means, an absolutely complete list of all tools and techniques you may need to complete the final, though everything on the final will be techniques and objectives that we have explored in class and/or during our projects.
Tools to know how to use…
Move tool
All marquee selection tools
Lasso tool
Magic wand
Quick select tool
Paint brush
Clone stamp
Smudge tool
Blur tool (Gaussian blur)
Dodge and burn tool
You should know how to…
• Make and use a layer mask.
• Copy layers in the layers palette.
• Choose a color
• Resize layers
• Resize objects
• Scale
• Rotate
• Distort
• Skew
• Warp
• Change resolution so all layers are consistent (hint 300dpi)
• Create a new document that has a 300dpi resolution, a document of a certain measurements (ie: 8 x 10).
• Use the liquefy function
Know how to use adjustment layers…
Color adjustment
Brightness and contrast
Color balance
Things to watch out for…
• Lighting consistency when combining images that were not shot at the same time.
• Contrast consistency (look at your lights and darks)
• Color matching (is the environment cool or warm?)
• When you put an object into a background, keep in mind that some references are not the same focus as others.
• Remember your shadow dynamics (how they work)
This class is about learning how to use Photoshop and much of the functionality and tools within it. As every student is an individual, not all students will approach or solve a problem in the same manner. In this way, you get to use your creativity and imagination in a way that is unique to you. Be as creative as you can be. You will always score higher when you find an uncommon combination of tools, techniques and ideas when confronted with a problem.
You have been shown and been given the tools to create with Photoshop. What you do with those tools is up to you.
Good luck!
Mr. Dow