Digital Photogaphy Midterm Exam
Please answer all of the following questions to the best of your knowledge. Answers should be entered as a blog post by typing answers into a Word document, then copy and pasting them into a blog post. DO NOT add the blog post until instructed to do so! When the questions have been answered, move on to the next section of the exam, found at the bottom of this page…Good Luck!
Part One: Questions
1. Please describe your understanding of what a shutter speed is:
2. Please describe your understanding of what an aperture (fStop) is:
3. Please describe your understanding of what a equivalent exposure means:
4. Please describe your understanding of what depth of field means:
5. What is a pixel…a megapixel?
6. What does resolution mean, and how does the resolution of a digital photograph affect how it looks on the monitor at different sizes?
2. Please describe your understanding of what an aperture (fStop) is:
3. Please describe your understanding of what a equivalent exposure means:
4. Please describe your understanding of what depth of field means:
5. What is a pixel…a megapixel?
6. What does resolution mean, and how does the resolution of a digital photograph affect how it looks on the monitor at different sizes?
Part Two: Performance
Choose either of the images below, and make the left side look like the right side. DO NOT copy & paste, clone stamp, or do anything that would otherwise bring any part of the right image to the left. To reiterate, only edit the left side of either image to look like the right side of that image. Please ask me if you do not understand what this means. Save the finishied image as a jpeg and add it to your website on a new page called Midterm. Make sure that it will click to view larger.
Using any of the selection tools, make a careful, clean selection of the feather, then use the move tool to bring it into a new Photoshop document with a yellow background. Flatten the image, save it as a jpeg, and post it to your site on the Midterm page. Make sure that it will click to view larger.